IT전문 번역, 해외사업 번역지원ㅣ티엔지 번역

[티엔지번역 article] Multimedia Education 본문

티엔지번역 articles

[티엔지번역 article] Multimedia Education

티엔지번역 2008. 11. 26. 23:05

Multimedia education is excellent in evoking creativity and results in a successful mélange of the humanities, fine arts, science, and technology. Multimedia education is available today, but will not permeate distance learning until the problems with bandwidth and data transmission are solved.

Currently, the fervor of multimedia education is demanding our attention and requiring us to enhance our computer skills.  Real-time multimedia education is becoming an increasingly prevalent part of the Internet with the spread of broadband networks.


The beauty of online multimedia education is that the "textbook" and the "image" come to life.  Another valid aspect of multimedia education is how it complements classroom teaching.  Certain research confirms that multimedia education is at least as effective as the standard approach, but there is no further discussion as to which design techniques are most effective.  This study also demonstrates that in a busy clinical environment, computer-based interactive multimedia education is a feasible adjunct that can be incorporated into the visit without any disruption of the regular visit flow.  Teachers often lack the knowledge to combine their lecturing skills and multimedia education offered by a machine. Multimedia Education is a quite new education, which started in 1999, and it is designed to comply with the requirements of the trades and industries.


In sum, the value of multimedia education is currently focused on the following issues: it benefits students with high visual orientation, adapts to individual differences and learning styles, allows the learner to control their path of study, places learning into the hands of users, and permits instructors to customize interfaces for different classes. 


In the situation that the use of computer multimedia technologies such as animation is growing throughout the educational community and our understanding of how these technologies can be best used is lacking, I feel all this work can give us ---A warning sign: In the trend that the technology for multimedia education is developing at a faster pace than a corresponding science of how people learn in a multimedia environment, instructional development is too often based on what computers/technologies can do rather than on a research-based theory of how students learn with the technology.  It should be noted that the natural development of a person is not contrasted to the artificial nature of multimedia education.

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